An organisation is considered to only be as good as those that make up the employees and managers; recruitment of capable and honest candidates is of crucial importance to all successful businesses. 

The process of Pre-Employment [also known as background screening] is a far more complex process than it has ever been before. A simple reference check to verify the skills and experience of a candidate is no longer enough to guarantee the reliability of a potential employee, with more focus than ever being put on their cultural fit and ability to work with your existing team. 

Hiring the wrong person can be a costly mistake for a business; it can affect morale, cause stress within a team, reduce the quality or standard of work, lead to employee turnover and in some cases even lead to employee instigated fraud or theft. 

A Pre-Employment Screening process not only verifies the credentials of a potential employee, but can also identify those attempting to embellish or falsify their attainments at an early stage, weeding out unsuitable candidates and save both time and money during the recruitment process. 

There are multiple elements that can be checked to better screen the history and credentials of a prospective employee, including:

1. Confirmation of previous employment

2. Education attainment

3. Credit checks

4. Bankruptcy searches

5. Personal references checks

6. History of any civil litigation 

7. Involvement in other business interests

At THSS, we help our clients to put together a defined Pre-Employment Screening process that is designed with the organisations’ culture in mind. We recommend the use of standard application forms, reducing the risk of falsified resumes by ensuring that candidates disclose all relevant information. 

Contact Us

To discuss Pre-Employment Screening on a confidential basis, call us on (03) 5518 2906 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.