As Malaysia businesses and organisations become more sophisticated and knowledge based, there is an increasing threat that valuable intellectual property will be lost, stolen or compromised. The theft may be conducted by employees or engaged contractors, or else by outsiders targeting the business. 

The threat of internal theft is in many ways far greater than the threat of theft from external parties. Your employees know the ins and outs of your organisation better than anyone else, and as such are far better positioned both to begin the process of internal theft, and to refine and continue it undetected over time. As a result, the potential losses can be far greater. 

Whether the perpetrator is stealing for immediate financial gain or in order to set up their own competing enterprise in future, your customer lists, pricing schedules and structures, product details, propriety software and perhaps even other employees could well be at risk. 

Theft of confidential information is one of the most common matters we at THSS investigate, with a very high degree of success. 

Most cases of Internal Theft and Loss of IP are identified when employees leave an organisation to work for a competing business. However, they can also come to light over disputes involving disgruntled employees, personal grievances, industrial action, media leaks, misuse of information by contractors and even disclosure for criminal gain. 

Our inquiries usually disclose information tracing the Internal Theft of IP most often occurs through personal email accounts, removable USB devices, backup drives and online cloud services, but we also consider traditional methods such as printing, scanning or photocopying.

A forensic approach to the investigation of Internal Theft of IP is important to ensure that all evidence sources are properly identified and secured, that the integrity of valuable metadata is preserved and to overcome attempts by offenders to cover their tracks.

The result of our work usually leads to successful disciplinary or legal action, preventing further disclosure and obtaining remedies from individuals and organisations that disclosed or used the confidential information.

Contact Us

To discuss Internal Thefts on a confidential basis, call us on (03) 5518 2906 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.